# # use as file: /mnt/C/sys/etc/env-ng # # 0 = off 1 = on # # include /etc/rc.nextgen to startup, if RCNG=0, none of bottom options will work (excluding CHBACKUP, NOTELNET, # NOLOGIN!) RCNG=0 # change root home dir from readonly flash to disk ROOTDIR=0 # change root shell to bash (if exist) ROOTSHELL=0 # change users shell to bash (if exist) USERSHELL=0 # run nfs daemon (if configured) - !!!! only M-firmware !!!! NFSD=0 # if 1, then telnet not start NOTELNET=0 # if 1, then only root may log-in via telnet NOLOGIN=0 # if 1 dropbear sshd will start (must exist, and configured!) DROPBEAR=0 # port of dropbear sshd (default 22) DROPORT=22 ######################### # for "backup" button !!! if 1 - then original function is disabled: you can build the own script, any which will act # (not backup only), as /mnt/C/sys/etc/rc-backup if 0 - original script will be used (no reboot needed for change this # option) CHBACKUP=0 # ## new options # if 1 then may use extra shell startup scripts /mnt/C/sys/etc/rc.d/rc.* and different style /mnt/C/sys/etc/start.d/* # for links to executables. RCPLUS=0 # if 1 then portmap be loaded for nfs mounting !!!! only M-firmware !!!! NFSC=0 # if 1 then kernel module will be unloaded NOWIFI=0 # if 1 then modules for usb2usb connection will be loaded !!!! only M-firmware !!!! USB2USB=0 # if 1 then modules for VPN daemons and clients will be loaded !!!! only M-firmware !!!! VPNMOD=0 # if 1 then kernel module for LCD will be loaded !!!! only M-firmware !!!! USBLCD=0 # if 1 then loop device will be oaded (for local iso/filesystems (images) mounting) !!!! only M-firmware !!!! LOOPDEV=0 # if 1 then modules for ipip/gre tunnels will be loaded !!!! only M-firmware !!!! IPIPTUN=0 # if 1 then installed apache 1.x version will be running APACHE1=0 # if 1 then installed apache 2.0.x version will be running APACHE2=0 # if 1 then installed apache 2.2 version will be running APACHE22=0